Title Deed -TAPU- Certificate of Property Ownership

In Turkey, all real estate transactions are conducted solely through the Cadastre Offices. The transfer of property ownership rights takes place at the Cadastre Office where the property is located. The Title Deed is issued as a result of the official transfer of ownership agreement between the seller and the buyer.

Taşınmaz bilgileri – Real estate information: address

İl –province

İlçe district

Mahalle/Köy –Area/Village


Ada -Cadastral array

Parsel -Land plot

Yüzölçümü -Plot area/dimensions

Niteliği -Purpose of use

Proje m² - Project area

Arsa Payı - Land share (share of land owned by an independent entity)
Blok/Giriş/Kat No - Block/entrance/floor number
Bağımsız Bölüm No - Independent unit number
Cilt/Sayfa No - Volume/Page No

Malik bilgileri - Information about the owner(s) of the property

Adı Soyadı/Baba Adı - The name of the owner(s) and the names of his/their fathers.

Hissesi – Share

Tescile ilişkin bilgiler - Registration information: information about the location, price and type of property

Taşınmaz Tipi/No - Property Type/Number/No

Edinme Sebebi – Reason for purchase

Konum Bilgisi - Address information (QR code)

Tescil Tarihi/Yevmiye No - Registration date/Journal number

The process of property registration with MyAntalya is reliable and maximally comfortable for our clients. Reach out to us, and you will experience firsthand the high level of professionalism and quality of services we provide.


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